Ding! Your time is up.

Thursday, July 28

Our family has a rule that you can wallow in self-pity, exaggerate your problems, role around in the drama of an issue for  24 hours - when you wake up after you day of waa-waa, you must quit, buck up and get back to the buisness at hand.  So today I woke up a new woman.  All my jelly squishing, pitty seeking, dramatic rants have passed and I'm back to my usual old bitchy self.   I guess I should be glad it's only 24 hours, and frankly for this one I could have used another 10 or so to really feel like I'd let the wounds fester, but really, it's just work and not where I want all my joy and accomplishments to come from.  Do I have ambition - yep. Was I worried how this would affect my career and success in my current job - hell yeah!  But, I think I got it worked out and my 24 hours was up so the angst is gone and today I'm not pretending to be ok when i really want to yell at people.

Besides my families rule, three things really helped last night.  First, my kids were great.  I need to ask hubby if he bribed them or something, or maybe they just knew I needed to feel special beause they were awesome.  No sooner had I pulled into the house, when they rush into garage thrilled that I was home.  I could feel the drag of my face from the sour look I'd be holding onto all day suddenly lift.  How can I frown at such joy.  And the house, well hubby made sure all the things that usually annoy me when i walk in the door (day full of dishes) weren't there.  He handed me a glass of wine, and gave me a big hug.  I was just so relieved that my stress hadn't boiled over into the home this time and I was actually able to enjoy the evening without blowing up - if you can't take it out on the people who deserve - then take it out on the people you can - has usually been one of my nastier habits.

The second thing that really helped the night was a lovely bath and backrub from hubby.  I am a water girl through and through and there is nothing quite like soaking in a big ol tub with a book and glass of wine to cure what ills you.  If you haven't taken a bath in a while - do so, make sure the kids are in bed, the lights are only bright enough to see the words of a book, and just soak.  Of course after, we were both feeling rather amorous, naked bodies do that to a girl, and I went to sleep with a "glow" about me.  This usually translates into good things for me at work the next day because when I'm getting over a work issue, I like to sit and think 'Ha! My family likes me, and my hubby and can still knock the boots - your family thinks your a bitch and your hubby hates your saggy boobs!'  I know totally immature, but there is nothing like a little caddiness to get me right back into the swing of life.

Ok the third thing that happened lats night that made me realize I could so get past this was me getting an email from a friend at my former employers.  That place really sucked and it took me a long time to bail from it.  Hearing from him made me realize that the last few days were EVERY day at my old job and that I can't expect the workplace to always be great and everyone be appreciative of me all the time (mind you they should because I do damn good work).  If I manage to work here and only have 2 stressful days a year, well really, is that such a big deal?  I know some of you are thinking - selfish bitch, it's every day for me!  I know, I know, I just lost perspective.

So the 24 hour rule is in effect, the worst is over and I've come out of my funk.  Now I'm back to being worked up and stressed over the usual things in my life.  School starts in 4 weeks, I have yet to buy a supply!  Heck I don't even know what time he needs to be there! I am going to a wedding in 7 days and don't have a dress yet!  I have a stack of bills in my office and I don't know what's due when!  I have a house to unpack!  I have 2 hair appointments I need to schedule!  I have Dr's I need to see!  Ah, it's so nice to be back to my every-day drama! 


posted by Amy's Working @ 10:51 AM 

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