Therapy Jar

Thursday, March 3

I've decided that rather than try to be a perfect Mom, I'll institute a therapy jar and just dump money in it whenever I've really screwed up with the kids.

Cursed 10 times today and punished you for each time you said "stupid" $20.00 per incident (approx. $150/week)

Fought with your Dad in front of you and then told you to I didn't want a hug because I wasn't done yelling at Daddy and then it made you cry - $150.00

Purposely keep the amount of Toys and games you own to a minimum so you don't feel over indulged and get a sense of what almost poor feels like even though I could totally buy you that game you want - $15.00 - I think maybe this is a good thing.

Yelled at you to be quiet so loud that you made the scared face because I needed a moments peace and I was tired of you and your brother yelling and jumping around - $50.00 - you're young enough hopefully you'll forget that one.

Watched me throw 3 plates including your sponge bob one in the trash beacuse I was pissed that they sat in the sink for 4 days and your Dad had promised to clean them up but still hadn't - $75.00

Secretly took some of your toys to salvation army because you hadn't played with them in a really long time and I was sick of the toy box overflowing, and then acted like I didn't know where the red ranger was when you asked - $100 - you never freakin played with that thing, how did you know it was gone!

Put you in your bed and yelled that if you got up one more time I was taking all your toys and throwing them in th trash and then burst into tears because I was tired and knew I was fucking you up and you were crying about your toys and then you hugged me and said sorry and didn't get out of bed - $200.

Continued the irrational and illogical behavior of the women in our family that can be traced back to your Great Great Great Grandma Freda - $250 per week per year till I die.

Hey, the jar is more than my mother ever did for me, if she has something like this, I would not only have free therapy, I would never have to fucking work a day in my life!

posted by Amy's Working @ 12:18 PM 

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