Double Wammy
This is the week of double wammys. And while I'll
avoid too much of a tangent into Press your Luck and
great game shows, I love the expression double wammy
and whenever I hear it I think "no wammies, no
wammies, no wammies - thank you game show network for
continuing to fulfill that urge.
The first double wammy is the stuff that had me down
last week. I am now recovering from both a sinus
infection and a bladder infection. Double Wammy! If
you've had either, or have a degree in medicinal
chemistry, you'll know that antibiotics that work well
on repsitory infections are not in the same family as
those for UI infections. So what does that mean - a
really strong middle of the road and hope it takes out
both without giving me a yeast infection. After four
days, I can breath and pee again, and no uncomfortable
itching, so hopefuly it's working.
And thank goodness, because this week in TV may just
be the best ever. As a true addict of reality TV and
all the characters on it, nothing could be better than
seeing Reality TV Fear Factor coupled with Boston Rob
and Amber on the Amazing Race. Double wammy! Add to
that a good dose of Bachlorette final, American Idol,
Apprecentice, and Survivor, Double, Doulbe Wammy! and
I just may have to ship the kids off to Grandma's so I
don't miss any of it. Instead I'm thinking about
another TIVO - the geek in me wants to network them
together and share shows across boxes - then I don't
have to worry about when I have 3 shows on at the same
time - yes 3 or as I call Tres Wammy!
I realize that for many, TV is just something on in
the background, or not a particularly important part
of their day - I'm not one of those people! Imagine
what I could be doing around the house or with the
hubby if I didn't love the TV so much. But the truth
is, that my addicition in life is TV. I don't smoke,
I rarely drink, I don't have affairs, I just like a
few hours of mindless entertainment and I'm happy for
the night. Reality TV is my favorite right now, but
I'm still up for a good comedy or drama. The problem
with those two is that I miss friends and the rest
just aren't and as good, and with the exception of
Lost, I'm stuck with Law and Order CSI derivatives?
Still, I love it.
I think it has to do with how I grew up - almost poor.
That was the condition where you had enough so you
didn't look poor, but you're parents couldn't afford
the stuff to make you truly middle class. You could
beg for the Jordache jeans, but you only got one pair
and then had to match it up with some no name shirts
from Sears, JCPenny if you were lucky. Growing up,
there were 2 things I coveted: a cable box and a
fridge with ice and water in the door. Both
represented wealth, signs of success and great
appliances that someday I had to have! When I got my
first place, the first company I called was the cable
company - who cares about the phone, bring me some
HB-fucking-O! I can still remember being excited and
knowing I could afford a monthly bill that got me
EVERY channel. Just this past year we bought our
side-by-side ice and water in the door refrigerator.
I knew my husband was the man for me because he
coveted it as an almost poor kid too. Unlimited
channels and built in filtered water - now that's the
ultimate double wammy!