working sick *cough*

Wednesday, February 23

Everyone in my family has been sick. Everyone in my office has been sick. I, strong as an ox, vitamin popping, hand-washing mama have not – until now. Of course, the week that I have to transition with my boss to take over his job, make a great first impression with the client, and just kick some corporate butt, I find myself with a fever climbing over a 100, stuffy nose, and that flushed, I think I’m floating feeling and yet I come to work.

This meant big fight with hubby because he would have called in sick and sees me as being somehow deficient because I put my work ahead of my …

Whoa, dizzy spell, hold on…….

Ok, can see again – health. I felt I had to come to work today not because they wouldn’t understand, but because it’s how I’m wired. I can’t lose a day of transition time; I know I’ll pay for it later. I also feel it’s important when you start a new job to show you’re reliable, easy to manage, and ready to go. I figure me at 75% is still better than no me at all. I think most mothers get this, besides having to save your leave for when the kiddies have fevers and you HAVE to stay home, unless you’re going to pass out once you stand, you come to work.

The good news is that almost no one uses our bathroom at this end of the hall, so I can go in there and take some breaks. This is a trick I learned while pregnant – you can sleep sitting on a toilet and there is NO shame in it.

Tylenol cold, Orange Tea, Motrin, and repeat.

posted by Amy's Working @ 2:18 PM 

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