Fast Food

Friday, February 11

Hi I'd like 2 chicken tender happy meals --- What?

TWO chicken tender happy meals --- What?


anything else?

Yes - one plain cheeseburger --- what?

ONE plain cheesburger --- what?


OK $4.67

10 minutes later, pull up

That will be $7.32 --- what?


she said $4.67

Do you think we would lie mam? --- can I please see a reciept? (am handed a peice of paper with just $7.32 on it)

Ok, can I see a receipt that actually shows what I bought?

Mam, I'm the manager, do you think I would lie?

Yeah will I'm Hillary Clinton, do you believe that - please give me a receipt.

Get the receipt - it does add up to $7.32

As the food is handed over - "Sir, you need to work on training her, she's giving out the wrong amounts"

Mam - it's fine, you made the mistake.


Thankfully - still needed drinks, final chance to smart off -

Sir, IF you are the manager then you should have enough training to know that when YOUR employee screws up, you should apologize to me, and tell me that you're working to improve her skills, please be patient with us.

Mam, I am not going to apologize to you!

Really - well let me tell you something, now I know you're not a manager - you're just a fucking idiot

and with that, I drove off with my food.

posted by Amy's Working @ 8:49 AM 

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