things seen and heard at Amy's this weekend

Monday, September 12

Buckeyes losing a game they should have won and me paying the price of letting the kids stay up late because I was too busy to parent, I was watching football. Hey, it's how I was raised - how else I am going to save them from the evil influence of the ACC?

Little Miss acting like some strung out crack whore who will do anything to get her fix of Go Diego Go. Look I peed on the potty. Look, I picked up my dolls. Look I ate my beans. Look I am being quite.

Me thanking the TV gods for inventing season pass so I could help Little Miss get her fix.

Hubby thinking we would have sex when a)his wiskers felt like sharp needles used to torcher people b)kids weren't asleep because we weren't paying attention c)team lost and I was not in the mood. "use your left hand, he'll think it's a stranger" did not make him laugh nearly as hard as I did.

Little Prince continuing to act like little beast. Clearly the title of prince has gone to his head as he orders us around like lowely servants and then acts surprise when the peasants revolt and try to kill the prince. Off to your room! I will jump out my window and run away! Go for it!

Me folding 3 fucking loads of white laundry and none of it belonged to me. Curse you evil men and your white teeshirts and gross ton of socks.

Me declaring that I will never wash or fold white clothes again, I don't care if the men in this house go naked!

Hubbys look of shock at diner last night when I actually prepared a meal that tasted as good as a resturant, had ingredients besides canned green beans and precooked chicken breasts, AND didn't come out of a crock pot. The bitch is back!

Me announcing to hubby that I would totally leave him for Obama after watching "This Week with George". and hubby replying, he would leave me for Obama too. Bwahhhhh.

Hubby laughing so hard he was crying when I tried to show my mad soccer skills and instead fell so gloriously that the boys in the backyard were actually worried about me for the first minute or so. Turns out, I am no longer able to step over the ball and kick it back and up into the air. Instead I now step on the ball lose my balance and do a layout with a full twist and bonus yelp.

Hubby flipping me the bird in front of the holy roller because I yelled out the window hey yard boy, when you gonna be done? Her eyes were HUGE!

What a life!

posted by Amy's Working @ 1:07 PM 

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