Happy Anniversary
Wednesday, August 31
I feel very self centered for not writing about hurricanes and damage and loss today. I'm not good with sad stuff, I tend to walk away from it and certainly not address it, so don't think I'm a cold hearted bitch - I mean I am, but not on this issue. I cope using avoidance, and Katrina, I'm avoiding your ass.
Instead I woke up today like I do every August 31st and think back to how I felt that fateful morning I was going to walk down the isle, and it's still the same feeling - surprise. Suprise that I feel in love, suprise that he loved me back, surprise that we've made it 9 years, surprise that I live in the suburbs with 2 kids and a dog. Me? Me who was destined to be a world leader and independent free sprited world traveler? Me who loved Mr. Right Now, but never wanted a Mr. Right?
I keep track of what my alter ego is doing, where she has gone, what cool places she's seen, yes, famous people she's fucked, and while I admire Miss Aimala's life, and have occasional pangs of jealousy, I still feel like I picked the right road. Hubby is a brave man to be married to me. I'm bossy, tempermental, bitchy and at times just down right mean. Amazingly he still sees me as cute, sassy, funny and smart. God bless those rose colored glasses and 2 percasets I slip him every morning.
Hubby thanks for 9 wonderful, amazing, fucking crazy, years. I can only imagine what the next 9 will bring us, and hope that we'll have 50 plus more to laugh about!
Instead I woke up today like I do every August 31st and think back to how I felt that fateful morning I was going to walk down the isle, and it's still the same feeling - surprise. Suprise that I feel in love, suprise that he loved me back, surprise that we've made it 9 years, surprise that I live in the suburbs with 2 kids and a dog. Me? Me who was destined to be a world leader and independent free sprited world traveler? Me who loved Mr. Right Now, but never wanted a Mr. Right?
I keep track of what my alter ego is doing, where she has gone, what cool places she's seen, yes, famous people she's fucked, and while I admire Miss Aimala's life, and have occasional pangs of jealousy, I still feel like I picked the right road. Hubby is a brave man to be married to me. I'm bossy, tempermental, bitchy and at times just down right mean. Amazingly he still sees me as cute, sassy, funny and smart. God bless those rose colored glasses and 2 percasets I slip him every morning.
Hubby thanks for 9 wonderful, amazing, fucking crazy, years. I can only imagine what the next 9 will bring us, and hope that we'll have 50 plus more to laugh about!
posted by Amy's Working @ 11:50 AM