Jail or Millions

Wednesday, September 7

I am going to create a show called "Dress your Daughter!" (imagine shouting it like wheel of fortune, it really works) where Moms struggle to get their little girl dressed in an outfit that she doesn't want to wear.  It will be on right before wrestling or run in place of America's Funniest home videos. 

The set will be a closet of mismatched clothes on one side and a dryer or laundry hamper several feet away.  Mom's have to rush to find an outfit that matches including socks and shoes and then persuade their little girl to wear it either through words, punishment or force and get them dressed in less than 10 minutes.  Winners will receive a week away from the kids and hubby in a spa with their best friends and lots of booze and cute boys to look at.

To make it complicated, in addition to the mismatched clothes, I will hang deterrents to success in the closet as well.  Bathing suits, ballerina outfits and princess costumes will be featured prominently to encourage the child to pick the thing they CAN NOT Wear to school. I can even make a little on the side with Disney and target for by having name brand deterrents.  I will also have a bonus round the requires the Mom to head to another part of the stage to make breakfast and if the child does not change while the mom is gone, then she gets a new car.

Mom's around the world would hate and love this show.  They would laugh hysterically at their own lives played out on TV, but also groan because they know just how pissed off the Mom is getting.  The rest of the world would be horrified to see just what it takes to force dress your daughter.  They would be even more shocked at how quickly the situation devolves into screaming and wrestling and throwing of all the fun clothes like a swimsuit out of the room so there is no chance they can try to put it on.

I would either got to jail for using children on TV or make millions as mom's around the country cheered and chanted the Mom to victory - Get Her Dressed!  Get Her Dressed!  Get Her Dressed!   If only I'd recorded this mornings events to send in as a promo. I didn't win but rather did the next best thing and got the consolation prize - let her wear mismatched clothes and had her dad take her to school - everyone knows Dad's never can get their girls dressed in matching outfits. 

posted by Amy's Working @ 12:03 PM 

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