They are playing our song!

Monday, August 1

Hubby and I met in a bar - actually more of a dance club; I loved going there - the drinks were cheap, the music was great and I would dance for hours.  This club was not a place to meet a husband (i'll save that story for another day) but we did.  We used go there after work, hang out with friends, and then hit the floor.  It was the kind of place where people were pressed in tight, the music was loud, you could lose yourself on the dance floor, and it got to the point where the floor was moving as one thing - all of us crammed in, pressed up against each other, it was hot!  If you've seen Matrix Reloaded when they're dancing in Zion, that's what it felt like to me.

Hubby and I both loved to bust-a-move so we would alternate hanging out at the bar, and going out to dance. There were certain songs that we had to dance to, we loved the beat, and would stop what we were doing to squeeze into the crowd and dance.  One of those songs became "our song".   Whenever it was played, we danced.  we were pressed up tight against each other, we got hot and heavy and most importantly did lots of inappropriate touching so by the time the song was done, we were ready to leave for the night and head for home for some more inappropriate touching. This song became so much of who were are, that whenever we heard it,  we would knowingly look at each other.  Like Pavlov's dogs, we heard this song and immediately started thinking about sex.

This weekend we saw the movie Madagascar (hey, I don't pay $20 to chase little miss up and down the isles).  It's a great movie and lots of funny scenes.  It also features hubby and I's fuck song.  This is a terrible turn of events.  THE song that that would send us into the horizontal mambo is now in a kids movie; and, MY KIDS WON'T STOP SINGING IT.  All weekend they are running around the house "i like to move it, move it"  Damnation Little boy you are turning your Momma on!  Oh sure it started out funny, the song starts in the movie and hubby and i are laughing, crying we're laughing so hard.  The kids are dancing around on their seat and totally into the song, the scene in the movie really funny, it was all good.  Then on the way home they keep singing it, and singing it, and singing it.  Sure, it's a catchy tune, but I liked it better when it meant time to go home and have sex - not look at the cute animals dancing.

So we've lost our song to the kids. The magic is gone because frankly, it's just to creepy to hear you child singing it and think about rubbing up against hubby.  All I can say to all you Hollywood types, you better NOT think about using any Nine Inch Nails "fuck you like an animal" in any of those movies you've got coming out this Christmas, it's all I've got left!

posted by Amy's Working @ 11:28 AM 

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