where better to open a shop

Friday, June 3

On the way to our new house we drive by a store called "Choice Books".  It's up on a hill and seems to have the light of god shinning on it.  It's large store with a big sign with a cross on it out front.  Yes, of course, it's a chrisitian book store and it  has over 7000 titles to help guide your Christian path

One day last week, we were driving by it, and I noticed the commercial zoning, For Sale sign across the street from the godly house.  I turned to Hubby and said - This place is perfect for a porn shop.  A really dirty one with lots of devices and smut, you know the kind that even makes us uncomfortable.

Now, whenever we drive by, one of us has to say "perfect spot for a porn shop".  Would it be wrong to look into it?  Just the protesting would give me joy for years.

posted by Amy's Working @ 3:01 PM 

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