pick up the slack

Friday, June 3

Dearest Brother, you have all the free time in the world and yet I find myself doing all the work for Moms party and then you have the nerve to freakin tell me that a $30 lei seems to expensive and to try and find another one that costs less.  I don't know what pisses me off more, the fact that your too fucking cheap to spend $30 bucks on your Mom, the fact that your ignorant of how much live flowers cost so you look like an ass because you pretend to know what you're talking about when you don't, or the fact that you have yet to offer to lift a fucking finger to help but instead continue to ask me whats being done when. 

I will not even stoop to engage in a whose busier contest because there is no fucking contest, I am already the winner.  Now get up off your self-righteous ass and get busy finding a Lei, it's yours to do, hope you don't stress out too much with your one fucking task.  And don't be a dick and hand it off to your wife.

posted by Amy's Working @ 10:15 AM 

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