What do you need me todo

Thursday, June 23

I made the mistake of going to work on the day that the movers came.
Hubby called me every few hours to give me am update on how they were
doing, what got broke, and whatbother stuff was being delivered.

Finally at 3, I was too excited to work anymore, so I headed over to the
ol place for one last look, a goodbye and then was planning on getting
the kids and going to the castle.

Call hubby tp tell him thr plan and he asks "uh, what do you need me to
dom, I'm rally tired." I rattle off the obvious while curtailing my
tounge so he doesn't hear 'fuck whay can I figure what needs done and
you can't?'

Just as we were saying goodbye, I open the door to the old place and
there ia my dog. HUH? Step in a few more paces and see 2 fish tanks on
the counter, walk down the hall and see a batheoom full of stuff that
was supposed to have gone in a car over there ot put in a box so the
movers could take it.

Ill spare you all the rant in my head about how fucking tired he is is
bullshit because the MOVERS, paid professioals did all the work.

Instead I said, honey, I can tell you what you fucking need todo, unless
were leavinh this lady our fucking pets, tampons and toothpaste, you
need to get the fuck over here and help make another trip. Jesus that
shit makes me mad!

posted by Amy's Working @ 2:17 PM 

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