
Tuesday, June 21

We're moving this week into our new big 4000 sq ft. house which has been renamed, "The Castle".  It's twice the size of the old space, a place where we can settle with kids for the next 20 years and most importantly have other families nearby so our kids will finally have some neighborhood friends.  At first, I was  worried about the whole decision, it's a lot more money, and I was anxious that we wouldn't like it - typical over analyzing of a problem till I reach the absurd.  In the first week all those fears have been quelled, and while I know there will be things about the house I hate, when I'm there, I feel like I'm home.

The problem that I have is that we has a family have too much stuff.  WAY TO MUCH.  I know this because I have spent the last 4 months packing it. The first wave came in the decluttering project to make the house we just sold look spacious, the second wave of packing happened right after we got the new place so I could get ahead a little, and now this week is the official move where all the crap gets located to the new place.  The thing of it is, the shit is multiplying.  Just when I think I've got an entire room packed and ready to go, I see something else that needs to go in a box.  Just when I think all the prints and art are off the walls and over at the new place, I realize there are still things on the walls that need to come off.  I feel like I am the stereotypical over consuming Gen Xer - and now I have the family that has also taken on the role of acquiring as much shit as possible.  I am tempted to just throw it all away.  Not the furniture, not the clothes we wear, but everything else - just take it over to goodwill.  We don't need it all, my kids don't play with a third of what they own, so why the fuck am I moving it?

This may be a reaction to being lower-middle-class growing up, we didn't always get something because we wanted it.  So now, if I want something I get it.  My kitchen is a testament to that.  I have more fucking kitchen appliances and pots and pans than any one person should own.  Got a bunch for my wedding, but why?  How often do I really use the ginormous crock pot?  What about the bruan hand mixer - maybe 10x in the last 9 years?  But it got moved, dragged along with all the other crap.  I am tempted to be like that guy who put all his possessions on eBay - just sold the lot and then had a fresh start.  I wonder how long it would take me to re-accumulate all the crap I got rid off?

The good news is that are very large house can easily hold all the crap we currently own and even grow to accommodate more. I think I'm going to make rule though that any new thing that comes in the house means something of equal size or value has to leave.  Bring in a new toy, get rid of an old one.  Bring in a new pair of shoes, get rid of an old pair.  At least I would reach some equilibrium.  Today I declare this summer will be known as the summer of weeding.  With each thing I unpack, I'm going to examine it's worth, do I need it, where should I put it and if not I'm getting rid of it.  Nothing will be safe.  My family will groan and I'm sure my hubby will hide things, but it has to be done, otherwise we'll outgrow this house in a year or two, and then where will we go?

posted by Amy's Working @ 11:29 AM 

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