tuckered out

Tuesday, August 16

For some reason I am just tuckered out today.  It's only Tuesday but I already feel like I've climed mount evert, cured cancer, and run for president.  As soon as diner is over,  I plan to play "lets lay down together in Mommys big bed and watch TV" with the kids.  I'm hoping to make it to Tommy's show, but it's already Tivo'd so I can crash and not worry about missing it.  Right now at work I'm faking it because I'm so tired I don't want to do anything serious as it will be crap because the brain is not functioning.  I've already filed all I can file, cleaned out my inbox, sat on the toilet for a 5 minute nap, and got al the dust and crumbs out of my keyboard.  90 minutes to go.

Somedays they get more than their moneys worth out of me, today is NOT one of those days.

posted by Amy's Working @ 3:09 PM 

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