The last of the wedding stories

Thursday, August 11

An interesting phenomenon occured while I was with my family this past weekend.  All of my aunts and uncles, and even my parents became comfortable talking about their sexuality.  In a word eeewwwwww.  I come from a very uptight german midwest family.  Sex was never mentioned, there was no alcohol at family functions, and while we all had a great sense of humor, it was definately an uptight crowd.

Now, all the cousins are grown, we're all starting families of our own, and it seems our parents have decided to "come out" and show us just what fun swinging people they are. In other words those same uptight relatives who never drank, cussed, or did anything remotely scandolous are now doing shots of jack, swearing like sailors, and explaining to me that the secret to a great marriage is lots of sex.  Um excuse me Aunt C?  That's right Amy, you need to go up and take care of your hubby right now, or wait till the kids fall alseep later and just be really quiet when you do it. You know Aunt C, I've always appreciated your advice over the years, but I have to tell you, sex advice from you is definately a first.  To which she laughed and said, well how do you think your uncle and I survived all these years?  I actually started looking for the hidden cameras because I knew this must be some f*d up version of Punk'd.  Nope, just my family finally deciding to prove to us that all our horniness was no fluke, it's genetic!

I'm no prude, and I certainly don't mind sharing a few sex stories, advice, etc. but NOT with my family!!!! Especially not with my parents or aunts and uncles. The funniest and most disturbing part of this weekend happened when I was sitting across from my parents at the rehersal diner and just happen to look up at my Mom as she turns to Dad and says, "honey, these margaritas are strong, i don't know if I'm going to be able to have sex tonight, I think i'll be too drunk".  And then she made eye contact with me and realized that I've heard all of this and just started to laugh.  Dad catches on and says, "come on Amy, you kids are grown, and I love hotel sex!".  Gee Dad, that's good know.

posted by Amy's Working @ 1:21 PM 

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