Curse you project management knowledge.

Wednesday, June 8

In the next 3 weeks I will finish my sons T-ball season, throw my mother a retirement party in another city, play host to a cousin for a mini bridal-shower at my house AND pack and move my entire family 20 miles away from where I live now.  Oh yeah, and work, and buy groceries and do laundry, and have sex with my husband, and try to get pregnant, and put the kids to bed - clean, and keep up with friends, and change my address a million thousand places, and take care of the poor dogs ear infection, and get my cars brakes fixed, and buy my daughter some new underpants, and, and, and, and, and, and.  I now have sub lists within my lists, I have more timetables and schedules than Amtrak, and on top of it all I'm not sleeping right.

So I am multi-tasking to the hilt - assigning out as much work as possible to hubby and resigning myself to the fact that it just all wont' get done. I think if I didn't spend my corporate life managing projects it would be easier; I would be more naive, less skilled at seeing the train wreck that's coming.  It's those skills that are making it even possible for me to tackle the work, to create the lists, to see the dependencies, to assign alternate resources and load balance them, but it also brings with it the curse of knowing just how much is possible.

Those of you with any sense are thinking right now - but Amy, you've been crankin' out posts like a mad women -no?  Yes I am, but I realized the last time I took a break when life got hectic and I stopped writing that, I not only missed it, I felt worse; instead of unloading on you, dear reader, I took it out on the people around me - and I'd rather yell at you than the kids - so there!  Plus,(excuse #2) now that I can post via email, I can sit and crank these out in 10 minutes flat as long as I skimp on editing and grammar and punc'tation.  So damn you for noticing and thank you very much for bearing the burden of my over-stressed freaked out life. 

Now fuck off, I've got things to do.

posted by Amy's Working @ 12:38 PM 

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