Could you be a sex slave?

Tuesday, June 7

I read last night about a women who has decided to be a sex slave - to her husband! She decided that she was tired of vanilla sex, that she wanted something more exciting, and that she wanted to be submissive, to be dominated.  After reading several of her posts, I got the feeling that while they have their ups and downs like any marriage does, they seem to be doing well as a couple (no swinging, no cheating) and their sex life has improved dramatically.

Well of course!  If you tell a guy that if he has the power to command sex, guess what, he'll command it and often.  I know in my house, if could no longer tell him no, and am no longer in charge of saying when, then yes, we would have more sex.  What I couldn't figure out was when they weren't under the sheets, who held the power in the marriage?  Does she spend most of her day bossing him around, telling him what to do, running the house, etc. but then turns submissive when he says suck it?

So you have to know where this is going (sorry Buffallo friend if I'm creeping you out) ---- I'm the dominate role in our house, could I be bossed in the bedroom?  Could I put myself in such a weak position as to never have control, to totally be submissive?  When I think about it, it seems almost like a releif, but then I worry, what if really am not in the mood?  Or, does the relationship change enough, that just like I can boss him into running to the store when he's not in the mood, he could boss me into a blow job? Thinking about it definately turns me on, and I would like more excitement, after 9 years of marriage we can knock it out in 5 mintues flat.  I do miss my wild sexual self of my youth and wonder is she gone, is like a well that runs dry, or is she lying dormant somewhere buried under responsibility, motherhood, and wifedom.  What if he commanded that she come out?

Still, I don't know how to do it right - he can't really command me when the kids are around can he?  Can you imagine - honey go in there and get naked and wait for me while I finish feeding the kids.  I mean really, how does one be the least bit diviant with kids in the picture? Mom - do you want to be a policeman?  No.  Then why are their handcuffs in your drawer?  Maybe someday, when the kids are older, I'll bring it up - of course by then, it will be yes master, oh it hurts, it hurts so bad..... to sit on my tired old knees while I wait for the viagra to kick in."

posted by Amy's Working @ 1:23 PM 

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