Praying to the Porcelain God
Monday, October 10
The only church I saw this weekend was the church of the holy toilet as I spent a good part of my time waiting for it to actually come up. It never did, but I got the rolling stomach, cold sweats, oh god here it comes feeling at least twenty times. I figured, I didn't want to say hi to all my new church friends by throwing up in the pew, so instead I just laid around a lot. No I mean A LOT. Of course the usual to do list that I have every weekend was totally ignored, and while hubby did his best to try and get some of it done, I'm now very much behind in laundry, grocery shopping, and other sundry things that just keep the household running.
I can't say I feel much better today, but at least 2 days of rest has given me a fighting chance to make it through a day at the office. Unfortunately they need me here with my A game, and at some points in the day I'm thinking - listen, my goal for the day is not your ten page report, but rather resiting the urge to crawl under this desk and take a nap. I'm hoping that I can pace myself and actually take some of the work home so that by tomorrow I've finished whats needed.
I also have my last resort of taking some baby-safe anti-nausea medicine. I usually only take it when the vomiting is so bad that I am in danger of being hospitalized, but this is the first pregnancy that feels like I could hurl at any second but actually don't. Close enough right? Oh, and don't send me any advice on this crap, when I tell you I've tried it all, I truly have. I can't even eat saltines anymore because my first pregnancy consisted of a saltines diet for 3 months - just looking at the box pisses me off. Oh, and the eat in bed before you get up - well that's good if it just lasts through the morning. I however feel like I could hurl all fucking day long - so am I supposed to lay on my desk? Or my favorite, eat light meals throughout the day, yeah well unless I have a constant stream of food going into my mouth, there is a point where I actually stop chewing and then I'm back to hurl city I go. So really, unless you have something that your great grandmother told you about and isn't on the web or in any other pregnancy book, I've tried it.
yes, i'm a little grouchy today, do you think my coworkers would still love me if I asked them to meet me in the bathroom, rub my back and hold my hair while I pray in front of my porcelain god? And yes I am a little panicked about the work I'm expected to do and my ability to do it. I don't let my coworkers down - EVER, but right now the road from here to the finish line looks mighty fucking long.
posted by Amy's Working @ 12:14 PM